Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What are Imponderables?

Imponderables means something that is very difficult or impossible to assess or answer..

This blog is about the never-ending quest to answer life's little questions...  You remember paresh raval in movie judai with big question mark on his face? Asking questions which ultimately boils down to being imponderable. I have news for him and people like him. I have decided to answer those kind of questions. I will try to answer all who? why? what? when? which? how?  questions. Sounds boring huh? Ok, then let me add some spice to it i will answer all the questions in two ways

1) My answer (My logic and reasoning) 
2) Other answer (Established Fact)

Lets get cracking, first question for the day is  related to technology as we are techno geeks..

Whats the purpose of the "SysRq" key on most computer keyboards?

My answer: It is basically there to fullfill the design criteria of keyboard. Also there has to be one most useless key award winner and that winner is this SysRq key. Now the serious stuff, SysRq key is configured to make connection to SNET (Solar System Network). If you know proper sequence (combination) of keys to press you can log in to SNET and communicate with Aliens and that sort of stuff. So keep trying the sequence to get connected. I know the combination. I would love to give you people the combination but once you know the combination you cannot give it to other person, howsoever hard you try.  In some countries this key mean System Required. You just have to press Ctrl sysrq to get new system. Obviously those countries are not on earth.

Other answer: The "SysRq" key, short for System request is one of those features added by computer geeks to let us average users know that we are but mere trespassers in their world. The good news is that pressing this key is unlikely to do any damage to your computer session. The bad news is  that pressing this key is unlikely to do anything at all. It was introduced by IBM for its popular 3270 terminals (designed to interact with IBM's mainframe computers). This key allowed to directly communicate with underlying operating system to switch sessions on servers. But then most programs never took any advantage of this key. Its making bit of comeback with open source operating system Linux. It has Magic Sysrq key function which allows user to do something like ctrl alt del in windows.

Although keyboards now have 20 more keys than they did when the AT keyboard was king, most popular programs seem to utilise fewer function keys than ever  (When is the last time you used the "scroll Lock" Key?)

Next question to ponder. Why is the telephone keypad arranged differently from the calculator or keyboard numeric keypad?

Keep pondering.....  Till next post


  1. I thought it would be "out of box" but no, this is "wild imagination". Moj padi gai.

  2. My computer doesn't have the SysRq key. Does that make me a visitor from an advanced alien civilization?

  3. ah! i now i realise how come i have so many systems??? i often use to try such keys and i have also printed severals pages which shows my desktop!! (PrtSc)
    by the way is there any key like (TrblsNtRq?
